
"Out of this World" Igloo of the Future

Summers almost here! Whooo 

Hey guys! Today I bring to you; straight from a future galaxy far far away; the igloo of the future! It features a force field entry hall with holographic palm trees, a living room (anyone else confused by the "future" antenna TV's...?), an office space with a hologram computer, a kitchen, bathroom, and a bedroom! 
Click for larger view

Here's how to make inventions like mine with igloo tricks!:  
  • Meal-Maker 3000 
-You will need: 
* 1 stainless steel stove & fridge
* 1 coffee maker
* 1 slushy maker 
* 1 control terminal 
* 1 coins for change tube 
* 1 EPF table 
  1. put slushy maker behind control terminal, coffee maker in front, being sure not to cover handle. 
  2. put stove and fridge on either side of control terminal, turn the fridge inwards. 
  3. put CFC tube on top of machine, connecting stove and fridge.
  4. put EPF table as flooring, and voila, the food will appear in the circle when you use your new Meal-Maker!  
  • Wardrobe Enrober 9000 
- You will need: 
* 1 mannequin 
* 1 force field 
* 1 control terminal 
* 1 containment cell
  1. put force field above control terminal, placing mannequin inside with outfit of choice.
  2. put containment cell next to control terminal. 
  3. To use machine, pick outfit from control terminal, this will appear on the penguin "hologram" above. Turn on lever and step into the containment cell. Poof! The outfit just materializes onto you!  


Make Your Own Treehouse!

(I made this a few months before the tree house igloo was in the catalog...) 

If you're too lazy to get coins for a new igloo or you just want to have your own unique tree house, this is how you can! All you need is: the fairy tree igloo, somthing wooden (logs or the tree-trunk chairs) for walls, and lots of the wooden benches for flooring. And from there, you can costumize it any way or style you want! It can be anything from home sweet home to a cool hang out for you and your buddies. Oh, here's an idea that just popped into my head: Robin Hood's hideout! Here's mine as an example (click for larger view).
As you can see, I decided to go with a jungle theme. 
And now its time for... Igloo tricks! 
  • Things you will need for Hammock: 
* 2 coconut trees
* 1 snow clump or something for a pillow 
* 3 moss walls
  1. connect the moss walls, the two on the outside angled back
  2. cover the edge of the outside of moss walls with coconut trees turned in
  3. put "pillow" over one of the wooden sticks on the moss walls 
  • Things you will need for Tree trunk fireplace: 
* 1 bon fire 
* 1 fairy trunk
* 1 small rock
  1. put bon fire inside the hole of the tree trunk
  2. cover hole behind fire with small rock


I know it's been a while...

So sorry I've been gone guys. My parents wanted me to take a break so I could focus on improving my grades. I hope to make up my abrupt leaving to you by posting some igloos I never got the chance to. In other words, I'm back! :D

Christmas Toy Shop 

Everyone's favorite feature in this igloo seemed to be the train tracks. I have to say that I agree! It was really fun to walk under the "bridge" to get to the cash registers! I kind of based my toy shop off of a previous igloo of mine, Toys R Us. I reused the rocking horses and trains with the easel background.  See ya soon and to my American friends, happy Memorial Day weekend!